Media > Interviews > Transcript: June 24, 2001

Web Chat Transcipt: June 24, 2001

gp4teens: Welcome, Katy. Thanks for coming to chat with us.

Katy Hudson: Hey, everybody.

gingie: Do you have any suggestions for me and other singers?

Katy Hudson: I would say, be everywhere you can be that the music scene offers and introduce yourself to everyone. And always... always be working harder to make everything better.

boodelee1: Have you ever worked as a studio singer?

Katy Hudson: Yeah I have worked as a studio singer a couple of times...and I still take Italian Opera lessons to keep my voice up to shape.

tbf: What's it like being a singer?

Katy Hudson: Being a singer... hum... well...let's just say...I still take out the trash! My room still looks like an earthquake and I am still broke as everything.

40-luv: Why are you broke if you have a recording contract?

Katy Hudson: Because having a recording contract is paper. It's all about the fruits of your labor. The key to being somewhat financially successful is songwriting.

amp1985: Katy, what's your fave Italian opera?

Katy Hudson: Well...I don't have many since I don't know many but I love singing... Caro Mio ben.

tbf: Where are you from?

Katy Hudson: So Cal

gingie: My dream is to be a Christian singer and I'm working on it every minute. You inspire me, thank you! =)

Katy Hudson: You're welcome, gingie... you are the first person who has said that. Well, besides my sister... sarcastically.

amp1985: Who would you most like to sing a duet with?

Katy Hudson: I would love to do a duet with Diana Krall...or Bjork.

tbf: How many albums have you done?

Katy Hudson: Just one.

boodelee1: Is it expensive to try to record something on your own?

Katy Hudson: It is, it is. That's why a record label is somewhat good for you because they have the means to spend money to make a person successful. Then there is a return for everyone.

gp4teens: Have you been out on tour, Katy?

Katy Hudson: Yes, I finished the Phil Joel tour in February, and I start a fall tour with Bebo Norman this September.

tbf: You are 16 years old, right?

Katy Hudson: Yup...

gp4teens: So was Phil Joel cool?

Katy Hudson: He was a newsboy! Just kidding, he was cool. You have to love anyone with an accent like that!

boodelee1: I like his album a lot.

Katy Hudson: Yeah. His next album that they are making now is supposed to be amazing.

gp4teens: Who else was with you on the tour?

Katy Hudson: Vienna (which I just say this past weekend!), Earthsuit (love 'em)...and then LaRue and Luna Halo joined us for a few shows.

amp1985: So do you usually hang out with the people you tour with after the shows, or do your own thing?

Katy Hudson: I usually hang out with anybody...I'm all about the hang!

tbf: Katy, you are a Christian, right?

Katy Hudson: Yes.

sftbalgrl: When are you coming back to Oklahoma City?

Katy Hudson: Um, I believe this fall, maybe?

sftbalgrl: When you came here first, I had no idea who you really were. Then I found out. I felt like a dork for not coming and seeing you.

Katy Hudson: You didn't introduce yourself????

Katy Hudson: !!!!!!

Katy Hudson: That's so wrong.

sftbalgrl: I'm sorry.

Katy Hudson: haha

sftbalgrl: I feel more like a dork.

Katy Hudson: You're not.

gp4teens: Katy, what are some of your fave cities to play?

Katy Hudson: I absolutely love Chicago. Yeah, let's go there...fantastic cheesecake my, shopping.

amp1985: You're into shopping?

Katy Hudson: is the Pope Catholic?

amp1985: Do you shop online, or mostly in actual stores?

Katy Hudson: I have never made an online purchase. I was thinking about that today. There are soo many amazing things online. I don't want a credit card, though. I think they have online debit cards, though.

sftbalgrl: Yeah, my bro found out the credit card thing the hard way. The company calls every day asking for my brother.

Katy Hudson: My sister, too, them darn target credit cards.

boodelee1: Are you coming to New York City? Christian groups hardly ever come here.

Katy Hudson: No!!! And I don't understand why...NYC is like where everything good goes on.

Katy Hudson: Well, anyway...

sagegirl: Love your look, Katy!

Katy Hudson: Thank you... I work really hard on that.

Katy Hudson: What do you guys do for fun?

sagegirl: golf

tbf: fish, hunt, hike in the Adirondacks, camping, and four-wheeling

amp1985: Katy, do you ever get recognized when you're out in public?

Katy Hudson: a Plus One concert.

sftbalgrl: Do you love Plus One?

Katy Hudson: I stalk them.

sftbalgrl: Me, too. Oh wait, I stalk Jennifer Knapp.

Katy Hudson: Yeah, her too.

sftbalgrl: LOL. I think a whole lot of people stalk JK. I think she knows it, too... no wonder she works out.

Katy Hudson: It's not cool to be a Plus One fan, everybody thinks... but I am CHANGING THE WAY!!!

amp1985: What's the best concert you've ever been to (besides your own!)?

Katy Hudson: My own...? No. I have some dues to pay...

gp4teens: Were you on tour with Plus One, or just a fan?

Katy Hudson: No, I was just an inside fan.

gp4teens: So, Katy, on your song "Last Call," is that a real phone number? What's up with that song?

Katy Hudson: Yes, it is. It was the number to my dad's church. He randomly changed it a long time ago on accident.

sftbalgrl: Man, I was going to call that number! j/k

Katy Hudson: You should have...

gp4teens: So did you mean for people to call your dad?

Katy Hudson: I didn't mean for people just to up and start calling my dad... it just had more meaning then any other number.

amp1985: Your dad's a pastor?

Katy Hudson: Yes, he is.

boodelee1: Do you have a site where I can listen to sound clips?


Katy Hudson: Really, you can listen to it there?

sftbalgrl: I don't think it has sound clips, but you can read lyrics and look at pictures and become an official stalker. Katy, I'm going to start stalking you since nobody else does.

Katy Hudson: Thanks, I could use it. A fan!!!! whoooo hoooo

Katy Hudson: Has anyone read Dawson McCallister's Last Call for Help?

gp4teens: Is that a good book?

Katy Hudson: Yes, the book is rad.

nachoman: Hi Katy, you're awesome!

Katy Hudson: Haha...thanks! It's weird hearing things like that...but thank you.

sftbalgrl: Hey Katy, your "Trust in Me" song became #1 at 91 FM, the radio station in Oklahoma City, on the Top 40 countdown.

Katy Hudson: Really? I love those guys at the radio station. We all went out to Chili's.

nachoman: Katy, when are you performing next?

Katy Hudson: I am actually going to be performing at an art gallery opening on Saturday...really low-key. Then on Sunday at Calvary Chapel Laguna Beach, where PAX 2:17 goes.

gp4teens: Katy, what's your favorite song on the album?

Katy Hudson: I'm still growin', still stretchin'... "Growing Pains."

sftbalgrl: What was the second song that you released after "Trust in Me"?

Katy Hudson: We released "Search Me" about a month ago.

sftbalgrl: Is that the one where you are screaming at the very first part of the song?

Katy Hudson: Screaming what?

sftbalgrl: Just screaming, and you sound like an African American gospel singer. (Okay, note to self: Get Katy Hudson CD.)

Katy Hudson: Which song is that?

sftbalgrl: The second one you released, "Search Me."

Katy Hudson: Oh...that's not screaming, silly...that'

sftbalgrl: What is it - getting blessed?

Katy Hudson: emotional heartfelt release? art?

amp1985: How do you keep up with going to church…especially when you're on the road?

Katy Hudson: Going to church can be a sticky subject, because honestly there is so little time to stop between cities...and when you're just a small little new act, you can't stop the whole tour. So we all keep ourselves accountable, but basically it's all about personal growth and self-control. There is little to no time when you're doing a show in Cali and you have to be in Texas by morning.

boodelee1: So what do you like to do other that sing, Katy?

Katy Hudson: I love SNOWBOARDING. As random as it sounds, I love cleaning my room. Stop laughing!

boodelee1: Cleaning can be very therapeutic.

amp1985: Where do you snowboard?

Katy Hudson: I have been a lot of places in Cali, and Sun Valley, Idaho, was rad. I have been really getting into the snowboard park lately. I have hurt myself sooo many times.

natalieangel86: Do you like skiing?

Katy Hudson: No skiing yet!

gp4teens: Katy, how do you do high school while you're on tour and doing music?

Katy Hudson: Well, I tested out of high school...cause as we all know, a lot of it's drama. Now I go to City College.

gp4teens: So you're 16 and in college?

Katy Hudson: Well, kinda.

daniel: What genre of music is Katy?

Katy Hudson: rock...pop....

gp4teens: Katy, do you do a lot of chatting?

Katy Hudson: I have only done a couple of chats, so I'm new to the chaos.

gp4teens: Do you spend a lot of time online?

Katy Hudson: I do. I have a lot of friends all over the place... so it's cheap.

gp4teens: Are you listening to any music right now?

Katy Hudson: No, just the lovely sound of my mother's laughs.

taylor66: Why is she laughing?

Katy Hudson: Cause...she's Mom!

daniel: Katy, what kind of music don't you like?

Katy Hudson: Don't I like... hum...

gp4teens: What does your mom think of you going on the big tours?

Katy Hudson: My mother loves when I go on tour because I'm happy and she's happy that I'm doing what I love.

amp1985: That's awesome...but I bet she worries a lot anyway.

sftbalgrl: That's cool you and your mom get along.

Katy Hudson: And plus, she spends too much time on her knees for anything to go wrong.

gp4teens: Your mom sounds cool.

caligirl_18: Katy, what are your thoughts on "secular" music? Will you ever cross over into that part of the music industry?

Katy Hudson: Maybe. Bad music is sending kids to hell. I would love to bring my Christian music to a secular audience.

amp1985: Have you been featured in any secular mags?

Katy Hudson: They would probably rip me to shreds...but I would get right back up.

sftbalgrl: You were, weren't you, Katy?

Katy Hudson: Yeah...if you have ever heard of TeenStyle. I was in the July issue. It should still be out. The article is on, though.

daniel: Katy, what TV shows do you like?

caligirl_18: Do you like Saturday Night Live, Katy?

Katy Hudson: Love it! Did anyone see Will Ferrell on MTV's video awards?

caligirl_18: Yeah.

amp1985: Yes, that was a weird thing.

Katy Hudson: Let's just say...hilarious.

caligirl_18: You watch MTV?

Katy Hudson: No...actually, my parents shut it off...that's a long story!

gp4teens: Katy, what do you think of the whole "teen diva" sensation?

Katy Hudson: I think if teen divas say they are Christians, they should act like it, and not only that, but have an appearance as one.

caligirl_18: Katy, do you have a boyfriend?

Katy Hudson: I have a wonderful boyfriend.

caligirl_18: Have you ever met anyone really famous?

Katy Hudson: I sat by Carman last night. Nooooooo joke.

gp4teens: Where were you last night?

Katy Hudson: My parents are really good friends with Jane Russel, who is an old movie star. i.e. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. And there was this big celebration for her 80th birthday. Carman's family is also friends with her.

amp1985: Are you into old movies?

Katy Hudson: I love old, or as my mother would say, vintage movies.

amp1985: What's your fave?

Katy Hudson: I like lot of Doris Day movies.

sftbalgrl: I like Katherine Hepburn.

Katy Hudson: I am named after Katherine Hepburn.

caligirl_18: Do you have a best friend?

Katy Hudson: Yes... I have THE BESTEST BEST FRIEND OF ALL!

gp4teens: Katy, who are some of your fave singer/groups?

Katy Hudson: In Christian music I love Nichole Nordeman and Jen Knapp.

caligirl_18: Yea

gp4teens: Does any family go with you on tour?

Katy Hudson: My mother used to go. But now I have a road manager, or someone at the management who comes with me.

girl4god: Katy, do you have any brothers or sisters?

Katy Hudson: I have an older sister, 18, and a younger brother, 12.

boodelee1: Are there any really good opportunities for Christian startup singers?

amp1985: Yeah, Katy, what advice would you give to someone just breaking into music?

Katy Hudson: Go to concerts and stuff. Mom says, "pray."

amp1985: Katy, do you have another CD in the works?

Katy Hudson: I don't have another CD "in the works." But I am always writing.

gp4teens: How do you write a song, Katy?

Katy Hudson: When I experience life and it affects me, I write!

sidewalkchalk: Do you like relient K?

Katy Hudson: Rad guys!

sidewalkchalk: totally slammin'.

boodelee1: I looove relient K.

star4him4ever: Do you write things other than songs (poetry, stories, etc.), or is it all music?

Katy Hudson: No, I try... but songwriting is my par. I was on the plane the other day and I sat next to a deaf, dumb, and blind man and I tried to write a poem about it. I failed because I couldn't really explain what I felt.

amp1985: Katy, do you write both your lyrics and music?

Katy Hudson: Yes, I try...

amp1985: You mentioned earlier that songwriting is the key...have you written stuff that others have recorded?

Katy Hudson: I write like all the basic melody and try to make people use my music...but sometimes my so-called "artistic" playing is just a bad chord.

gp4teens: Katy, do you play any instruments?

Katy Hudson: I do. If you have seen me play live you will notice I play the guitar.

gp4teens: Sorry, I haven't seen you.

sftbalgrl: A girl and her guitar... how beautiful is that?

Katy Hudson: My live shows are very different than what you hear on the CD.

amp1985: What guitarists do you like best?

Katy Hudson: I like Pete Townsend. And BARRY! (from Phil Joel)

gp4teens: Katy, what are you doing for fun this summer? Besides the chaos.

Katy Hudson: Classes, and yes, I met some new friends finally. We are gonna go to the thrift store and get a bunch of rad things that have potential and cut them up and make our own creations.

amp1985: So you can sew?

Katy Hudson: No, I can't sew...I mean, I can, but do you want these clothes to look like clothes?

star4him4ever: lol

boodelee1: lol

amp1985: What do you do when a show doesn't go well...has this ever happened to you?

Katy Hudson: The first show I ever did on the Phil Joel tour, I didn't have sound for literally 7 minutes....

gp4teens: Ouch.

Katy Hudson: I had to be a standup comedian/mime.

boodelee1: Yikes.

Katy Hudson: Yeah, just imagine...

star4him4ever: That would be terrible!

gp4teens: What did you do?

Katy Hudson: I just started talking at the top of my lungs. Then finally I had some sound...and when they turned on a track that I decided to use, it was Phil's!

tbf: lol

Katy Hudson: Anarchy!

gp4teens: Was the crowd nice?

Katy Hudson: Yeah, totally...they were proud that I didn't let them fall asleep on me.

star4him4ever: Did you ever consider getting into standup comedy?

Katy Hudson: No, because my jokes aren't funny. I think they are funny and I like to laugh at them…but I always get rolled when I have to do improv!

gp4teens: Katy, do want to say anything about yourself we haven't asked?

Katy Hudson: Yes, which is... EXERCISE, DRINK WATER... and FLOSS.

gp4teens: Good advice from a woman who's been there.

Katy Hudson: Believe me, I could have saved thousands for my parents... dental bills!

Boodelee1: Haha, I've never had a cavity!

star4him4ever: I haven't either.

gasoline_bubble: One.

Katy Hudson: I've probably had one for every person in this room!

amp1985: Katy, have you had braces?

Katy Hudson: No braces!

gp4teens: Can we find out about your next tour from

Katy Hudson: Keep checking my Web site...and and

sftbalgrl: Hey, did you try to make a cake again?

Katy Hudson: Yes, and IT ROCKED.

dougman: Mmmmm...cake...

sftbalgrl: So you decided to use vegetable oil instead of olive oil?

Katy Hudson: Yes, and dude, I was eating that thing for a week solid. It was sooooo good.

boodelee1: What's your favorite color?


boodelee1: drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

soccerstar_319: drumroll drumroll

Katy Hudson: ......................................clear!

soccerstar_319: WHAT????

star4him4ever: lol

Katy Hudson: Thanks, guys.

sftbalgrl: Hey, Katy, do you ever go to the Jennifer Knapp chat room?

Katy Hudson: Sometimes.

gp4teens: Katy, you've been great. Thanks for hanging with us. Everyone check out her CD. It's very cool.

Katy Hudson: YOU ALL HAVE A GRAND NIGHT! Later! Thanks, GP4T!